Seminar Details

Type: In Person

Estimated Time: 1 Hour

Assets: Certificate of Attendance, Seminar Slides, Recordings post-seminar

British Static Inverter and Central Battery System

Most service related issues with a CBS System relates to the battery, and in most cases the highest cost in component replacement.  In this Seminar we will discuss the failure mechanisms  of the battery and when using the innovative BACS System, we can reduce the effects and maximise the deign life and capacity of the battery. We will also introduce the components and features of the BACS System.
What you will learn:
  • System Choice
  • Basic requirements EN50171
  • Configurations available for SIS
  • Inverter Battery Types
  • Load and INRUSH Considerations
  • Design & Room Considerations
  • SI Sizing
  • Maintenance & Commissioning
  • BACS System
Meet Your Facilitator
Neil Whittingham